“The space between Your heart and mind Is a space we’ll fill with time.”
- Dave Matthews Band, The Space Between (2001)
Welcome to Wayward Rows, where creativity and logic come to dance.
The “wayward” part of the name reflects how I bounce between interests, picking up and putting down new ones as I go. “Rows” is a nod to writing, coding, and knitting—each involving rows in one way or another. And I am Liminal Kisa, with liminal referring to “the quality of ambiguity or disorientation that occurs in the middle stage of a rite of passage” (Wikipedia).
The direction of this blog is fluid, undefined—just like liminal spaces themselves. I don’t intend for it to have a set topic or update schedule (at least not for now). I expect strong elements of crafting, writing (particularly fiction), and discussions of technology, but ultimately, this is a space for exploration and curiosity. The world often pressures us to pick a single path, master it, and stay on it—but where’s the room for curiosity about many things? This is my liminal space.
My background is just as fluid. I have written for a newspaper and coded for the government. I’ve made pizza and taken dance classes. I’ve sold electronics, and I’m obsessed with yarn. Knowing a little about a lot makes it easier to connect with people from all walks of life. I’ve tried blogging before, but a rigid structure never suited me. This time, I’m embracing the undefined—let’s see where this journey takes us.
I’m glad you’re here. Whether you want to read along, comment, or just hang out, you’re more than welcome. I also have other projects, like chill video game streams on my Twitch channel. If you enjoy what I’m doing and want to show support, feel free to share my pages or send a tip via Ko-fi—but no pressure—your presence alone is enough.
Here’s to enjoying liminal spaces in our lives. The undefined. The neither here nor there. You can’t get somewhere new if you already know where you’re going.
In the spaces between, the journey begins.